Governance Policies
In July 2016, the NARP Board of Directors adopted the use of the Board Policy Governance model to guide and direct its actions and deliberations.
Board Policy Governance is an organizational model crafted by John Carver.
In accordance with the Board Policy Governance model, the NARP Board of Directors has adopted the followed specific policies:
- Governance Process Policies - Revised to 7-2-19
- Board - Management Delegation Policies - Revised to 3-30-19
- Executive Limitation Policies - Revised to 7-2-19
- Ends Of The Organization - Revised to 7-2-19
- President/CEO Plan Of Action - Revised to 1-26-17
"The National Association of Railroad Passengers has done yeoman work over the years and in fact if it weren’t for NARP, I'd be surprised if Amtrak were still in possession of as a large a network as they have. So they've done good work, they're very good on the factual case."
Robert Gallamore, Director of Transportation Center at Northwestern University and former Federal Railroad Administration official, Director of Transportation Center at Northwestern University
November 17, 2005, on The Leonard Lopate Show (with guest host Chris Bannon), WNYC New York.